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Весь контент Teatuinia

  1. Kretov on Organizational Learning Reporting also Trade mark Acquitions and Selling non-physical assets - Kirill Kretov

  2. Kirill Kretov on Intellectual Capital Price Determination also Organizational Intellectual Property Price Determination and How to evaluate Corporate Capital author: Kretov Kirill

  3. Kretov Kirill about unidentifiable assets Reporting ; Price Determination of Organizational Learning and Reporting of Knowledge Management by Kretov

  4. Kirill Kretov about Price Determination of Intangibles . Brand Evaluation and Identifiable Intangbiles Financial Reporting author: Kretov Kirill

  5. Kretov Kirill on How to sell Intangible Assets ; Valuating Patent and Explain Intellectual Property author: Kirill Kretovetov.net

  6. Kretov on Financial Capital Reporting . Selling Organisational Capital and Intangibles Evaluation author: Kretov Kirill